Here are some tips for your recovery period to make it much easier. Elevate your head at all times to keep swelling to a minimum. Apply ice bags to your eyes and cheeks as much as possible for the first 48 hours after the rhinoplasty. However, make sure not to get the nasal cast wet or put any pressure on it. It is recommended to stick to a liquid diet the day of the surgery. You will be able to resume a regular diet the next day. You will probably have some bloody nasal discharge for two to four days after your rhinoplasty surgery. Change the gauze pad under your nose as often as needed. Do not rub or blot your nose as this will lead to irritation. It is also normal to have a small amount of blood drip down the back of your throat. Should quick/brisk bleeding occur, lie down flat with your head slightly elevated. Apply fresh compresses to the nose. You may also be instructed to use Afrin nasal spray on a limited basis. Call the office if bleeding lasts for longer than 30 minutes. To prevent post-operative bleeding, do not sniff or blow your nose for the first two weeks after surgery. Try not to sneeze, but if you do, sneeze through your mouth. The day after surgery, begin to clean the edges of your nostrils to remove crusts. Use a Q-tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Strenuous activity should be restricted for at least two weeks after surgery. After two weeks, you should slowly increase your activities back to normal by the end of the third or fourth week. Avoid contact sports and any direct, physical contact to the nose for four to six weeks.
Some more general information for after your rhinoplasty surgery includes coming in around seven days after surgery at the office. At that time, the nose will appear better but still swollen. You will not see the final results right away. Much of the swelling will subside rapidly over the next few days to weeks. However, it usually takes about a year for the last 5 percent of swelling (usually in the tip of the nose) to disappear. The tip of the nose will feel numb and occasionally the front teeth will feel “funny”. These feelings will gradually disappear as well. The inside of the nose will also be swollen. This will result in difficulty breathing which will progressively improve with time. After the cast is removed, the nose can be washed gently with a mild soap and makeup can be applied.