After liposuction, it’s common for patients to focus on preventing the regrowth of fat. Understandably, you want the results to last, and you don’t want to start battling fat deposits in new areas of your body.
While you can influence your body’s overall health, including its fat deposits, through attention to diet and exercise, there are a number of “X factors” that also can be weight-gain culprits. One of these is medication.
A 2015 article published by the UC San Diego Health System noted that many drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, diabetes and depression may cause weight gain. Here, we discuss a few such groups of medications and their potential effects.
Antidepressants have been linked to weight gain in a number of studies, whether they were classified as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), or tricyclic antidepressants. (Other versions, however, have been linked to weight loss.)
How do medications meant to control allergies affect weight? Studies indicate that certain antihistamines target the H1 histamine receptor, which plays a dual role in allergen response and in satiation. Basically, the medicine that dampens our immune response may also be telling us “You’re still hungry” when we’re full. As a result, patients might eat more while taking allergy meds than they would otherwise.
Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are commonly used to treat high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks. However, some beta blockers on the market have commonly-experienced side effects like fatigue and sluggishness–so it is harder to exercise and easier to gain weight.
Diabetes medications
Diabetes medications are intended either to replace insulin in the body or to encourage the production of insulin by the pancreas. Since insulin is essential in fat storage and management, these medications can encourage the body to put on weight.
What should you do if you think your medication is adding to your weight? Do not stop taking your prescribed medication without talking to your physician. Instead, go to the doctor who prescribed your medication. Tell your physician about your concerns and ask about alternatives.
Your meds may be necessary to take care of your health. But being on medication may mean it is all the more important to keep up with your diet and exercise plan.
To learn more about your liposuction options, connect with our qualified Cleveland liposuction surgeon, Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, at The Cosmetic Surgery Center at (216) 264-8100.
Below is an example of a typical result:

liposuction before and after
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