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Facial Implants in Cleveland, OH

In Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Matt Goldschmidt can enhance facial beauty in a matter of minutes using facial implants.
Dr. Goldschmidt, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, gently places facial implants to augment and accentuate your anatomy using carefully hidden incisions. The most popular implants are used to provide more fullness in the cheek (malar) region and augment the chin, strengthening the jawline. Both implants may be used alone or in combination with other facial cosmetic surgery.

When consulting with Dr. Goldschmidt at The Cosmetic Surgery Center, he will help you select the procedure that is best for you!

What Is a Cheek Implant?

Cheek implants, also known as malar implants, are used by plastic and cosmetic surgeons to restore the foundations of your midface and help rejuvenate your appearance.

While there are many other methods used to emphasize cheekbones, there are advantages to using implants over a fat transfer, injectable fillers, and other lifting methods in that they are permanent. These other options tend to last only a few years and then need to be repeated — they are less invasive but may only be a temporary solution.

What Are My Cheek Implant Options?

There are implants designed to augment specific areas of the cheek and midface region. The most popular styles of cheek implants include submalar, malar, and combined submalar. Dr. Goldschmidt, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and his staff in Cleveland, Ohio, will speak to you about which cheek (malar) implant fits your facial type the best, so you can achieve beautiful facial harmony.

The most popular implants are made with silicone and feel and look very natural, so you don’t have to worry about discomfort or an artificial appearance.

How Is a Cheek Implant Inserted?

The procedure is performed under anesthesia or twilight anesthesia. The placement of cheek implants takes under an hour, and the implants are secured with tiny screws to prevent the implants from moving.

The recovery time varies depending on the level of swelling. While some patients can get back into their routine within a few days, some patients may need a little more time.

The cheek or malar implant can easily be removed by a cosmetic surgeon in Cleveland, Ohio, if they become problematic or if the patient wishes them to be removed.

What Is a Chin Implant?

Implants that accentuate your lower face and jawline are commonly used in plastic and cosmetic surgery. A prominent chin is a sign of strength and may also help shape your jawline and neck.

A chin implant (a type of mentoplasty) may be easily placed and secured to the jaw bone to help achieve this goal. As we age, bone can melt away (resorb) and lead to loss of support of the overlying skin. Some patients are born without a sufficient, strong chin. Other patients may need to enhance their chin to create facial harmony. For example, some patients may have a prominent nose they wish to be less noticeable. Dr. Goldschmidt and his staff may recommend a rhinoplasty (aesthetic nose surgery) and a chin implant to help produce the ideal result.

How Is a Chin Implant Inserted?

The surgical procedure of placing a chin implant is relatively simple and can be done in under an hour. Most patients choose to be sedated or have anesthesia to be comfortable and less anxious.

The implant is made of solid silicone and has a very natural feel and appearance. A small incision in the crease under the chin is made, and the implant is inserted. The implant is then secured to the chin and jaw bone to prevent the implant from moving or rotating. Most patients recover within a few days to a week and will wear a special bandage during this time.

Will I Need Liposuction With My Chin Implant?

Liposuction of the neck (submental liposuction) is also commonly performed, especially at the time of a facelift, to help support the overlying tissues. This also serves to sculpt the neck and produce a beautiful jawline and rejuvenate the lower face and neck.

The procedure is often combined with other facial plastic surgery procedures, such as facelift surgery, mini facelift surgery, and neck lift surgery, to obtain the best result possible.

Frequently Asked Questions About Facial Implants

Is Dr. Matt Goldschmidt certified to put in facial implants?

Yes, Dr. Matt Goldschmidt holds two board certifications from the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery for the body, breast, and facial surgery and the Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).

Who is a suitable candidate for a facial implant?

Both men and women are suitable candidates for chin and cheek implants. Today, social pressures are on men to have more defined chins and women to have a more elegant look with an enhanced chin and high, defined cheekbones. All it takes is adjusting the chin to harmonize with and balance out the rest of the facial features.

Any healthy adult who desires to have the procedure is likely a suitable candidate. If you have concerns about a double or a weak chin or have disproportionate midface features, a chin or cheek implant is ideal.

What material is used for facial implants?

Solid silicone is used because it is soft and has a natural feel, easily conforming to the anatomy underneath the skin.

How long does cheek implant surgery take?

This facial procedure usually takes under an hour to complete.

How long does chin implant surgery take?

This facial procedure can take under an hour to complete.

Are chin implants large?

A chin enhancement surgery with an implant does not necessarily mean that you will look like a chiseled action figure. Making the chin even slightly bigger can dramatically affect your profile. The size of the implant used varies per your existing bone structure and goals.

A successful procedure results in a natural appearance and gives an aesthetic balance with the rest of your facial features.

How long does it take to recover from a facial implant procedure?

Recovery varies from patient to patient. Some can get back to light activity after a few days, while others take a bit longer. It all depends on the level of swelling.

Is there visible scarring after getting facial implants?

Scarring is quite minimal. In many of the procedures, incisions can be done from inside the mouth or under the chin.

How long do facial implants last?

Facial implants usually last for decades and even forever.

What happens with facial implant removal?

Implants may be removed at any point you want, preferably by the doctor that performed the procedure. The face usually returns to its pre-operative state. If the skin was overstretched by the implant, grafting or fat transfers are used to fill up any facial changes after healing from the removal.

For more information about Facial Implants in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Facial Implants in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.